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Home » Grow » Sector Growth » Ambitious Essex Tech 50 » Superdielectrics

Who are Superdielectrics?
Superdielectrics has developed a new energy storage technology founded on a scientific breakthrough in contact lens materials. This technology uses physics and chemistry unlike purely chemical batteries. It is safe, recyclable and uses low-cost components without any critical metals.

Using solar or wind electricity with our storage technology can provide clean, sustainable electricity below the current cost of fossil fuel generated electricity throughout most of the world while cleaning up the environment.

What have you been up to in 2024?
In March 2024 we held a joint press conference with the University of Bristol at the Institution for Engineering and Technology in London to announce and demonstrate our completely new energy storage technology and unveil our first pre-production prototype, The Faraday 1. This breakthrough announcement was the result of R&D efforts from over 20 of our scientists and engineers supported by an advisory board of Professors from UK Universities.

What are your plans for the future?
UK wind and solar capacity is due to increase from approx. 40GW today to just under 200GW by 2035. Without energy storage, this intermittent and fluctuating renewable energy could lead to highly volatile prices. Low-cost energy storage is the key to a truly net zero and affordable electricity system. Through expanding our R&D efforts, we aim to create low-cost electricity for everyone.

Do you think Essex is a place for business? If yes, why?
Ideally situated between the technology hub of Cambridge and the financial institutions of London, Essex is well placed to foster successful startup businesses.

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