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Tourism Support

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Visit Essex

As the official tourism organisation for the county Visit Essex is responsible for tourism promotion and development. Visit Essex is one of the national portfolios tasked of delivering tourism growth having gained national recognition in 2023 by achieving Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) status.

Established in 2010 Visit Essex is a public/private membership organisation with 250 members, with an independent board. We work closely with partners to develop a sustainable tourism offer for the future.

Tourism is one of the largest business sectors in Essex contributing £3.5 billion annually to the region’s economy. In 2024 a new destination management plan set out a pathway to grow the visitor economy over the next 10 years.

Our vision is for a “destination with a refreshed identity and reputation for local distinctiveness, a warm welcome and a wealth of hidden gems. Working through strong partnerships to unlock the power of the visitor economy in Essex, boldly showcasing its strengths and celebrating its spirit.”

To remain a leading destination our work encompasses major marketing campaigns, high profile PR work, business support, and visitor management.

Visit to find out more about Visit Essex and how to join or for ideas on places to visit.

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    Visit Essex

    Tourism Support

    Visit Essex is the official tourism and destination management organisation for Greater Essex.