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The Greater Essex Business Board

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The role of the Greater Essex Business Board

The Greater Essex Business Board (GEBB) is an exciting new strategic advisory board delivered by businesses, for businesses, with businesses.

It brings together inspiring and influential businesspeople who will advise, advocate, and lobby in the interests of Greater Essex.

Reflecting the key sectors and geographical areas of the Greater Essex economy, the GEBB is responsible for:

Influencing decisions

  • The Greater Essex Business Board (GEBB) exists to influence economic growth policies at both local and national level.
  • GEBB will provide strategic advice to political decision-makers in Greater Essex on the issues that matter most to businesses in the region. It will have the freedom and autonomy to set its own agenda, using evidence to develop, articulate and advocate for its own positions on key issues.
  • Its advice will help in setting the strategic direction for local economic policy, including producing and updating an Economic Strategy for Greater Essex.

Advocating for business

  • The GEBB will provide the authoritative and authentic voice of business in Greater Essex, with the confidence to speak and be heard.
  • The board will develop robust mechanisms to engage with businesses across Greater Essex, listening, gathering intelligence and using this as a basis to inform its work with decision-makers.
  • The GEBB will develop connections, with local, regional and national business networks. It will champion Greater Essex – helping it stand out and compete.

Delivering impact

  • The GEBB will oversee activities that support Greater Essex business, including Growth Hub business support and skills programme (with Essex Chamber of Commerce).
  • It will focus its attention on securing new investment in Greater Essex, supporting and advocating for:
    • Key growth sectors
    • Key sites
    • Vital infrastructure
    • Workforce skills

The GEBB will operate through working groups utilising expert support to follow-up on the direction set by the board. Its key aims are to strengthen partnerships, influence policy and attract investment to Greater Essex.

The GEBB will:

  • Convene business interests from across Greater Essex, the UK and the globe to gain the best insight into local challenges and potential solutions.
  • Focus on outcomes and the action required to deliver them, rather than on formal meetings, process and paperwork.
  • Work in the open promoting transparency to work to build support and momentum from across Greater Essex business.
  • Partner with those who have shared interests and can help influence decisions to the benefit of Essex businesses – whoever and wherever they may be.

The GEBB will not:

  • Work to an agenda constrained by local councils.
  • Simply rubber-stamp decisions that have already been taken.
  • Have lots of board meetings and spend time just receiving information.
  • Duplicate the work of existing local business groups.
  • Waste time and energy on issue where it cannot secure impact.
  • Shy away from delivering difficult messages to those in power.
  • Increase bureaucracy or act as a gatekeeper; or
  • Act in isolation.

The board will:

  • act as ambassadors for the Greater Essex economy
  • represent the voice of the private sector
  • influence the issues and decisions that impact local businesses


A headshot of a blonde woman with glasses.

Chair of the Greater Essex Business Board

Julia Gregory has been appointed as Chair of the Greater Essex Business Board.

Over an illustrious 30 plus year career, Julia has held various executive, chairperson, and non-executive director roles, contributing significantly to both the public and private sector.

Julia has led the strategic direction of multiple companies and has been involved in delivering nationally significant projects worth up to £7 billion.   She has extensive experience working with local and national governments, fostering economic development, and promoting social impact. ​

She is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation and was recognized with a lifetime achievement award by the National Businesswomen Awards in 2023. She is committed to promoting equality, diversity, and ethical business practices, and has co-founded the InfraNED Network to address gender diversity in the infrastructure and real estate industries. ​

Her executive career includes significant roles at Ebbsfleet Development Corporation, Buckinghamshire County Council, Gatwick Airport Limited, and BAA – Stansted Airport Limited​

The Members of the Greater Essex Business Board

NameCompany LocationSector
Julia GregoryChair of GEBBEssex wideVarious
Alan Shaoul​DP World​Thurrock​Ports / Logistics​
Alison Hartley​Teledyne​Chelmsford​Space / Life Sciences​
Bolaji Sofoluwe​ETK Group​ Colchester / UK wide​ Managing consulting / Exporting / Nationwide & Government networks​
Christopher Lines​​ Leonardo​ Basildon​ Aerospace / defence​
Edwin Strang​Industrial Chemicals​ Brentwood & Grays​ Advanced Manufacturing​
Eoin Lyons​SS&C financial services​ Basildon​ Financial Services​
Lara Fox​Objective IT​ Chelmsford​ Digital​
Ryan Liversage​Morgan Sindall​ Essex wide (HQ Chelmsford)​ Construction​
Steven Beel​Freeport East​ Tendring​ Ports / Energy / Logistics​
Trevor Scott​Simarco​ Witham​ Logistics​
Mike Hardaker​MAG / Stansted Airport​ Stansted​ Aviation​
Jacqui Dallimore​ Roslin Beach Hotel / Southend Tourism Partnership​ Southend​ Tourism​
Andrea Cunningham​ Metal Culture​ Greater Essex / Southend​ Creative​
Rupert Wood​ Almcor​ Thames Estuary / Thurrock​ Energy / Property​
Tim Price​ Park City​ Colchester​ Consulting​
Rob Singh​ University of Essex​ Colchester and Southend​ Higher Education​
Prof. Mohammad M. Ali​ Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean. Anglia Ruskin University​ Chelmsford​ Higher Education​
Ann Scott​ FSB​ Greater Essex​ SME’s​
Denise Rossiter​ Essex Chamber​ Greater Essex​ SME's and LSIP​

Find out more about the members of the board

PDF of biographies


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    Greater Essex Business Board
